Common Reasons for Lasik – Why Everyone is Jumping On

Prior to making any investment decision, the potential benefits should be analyzed and the choice to get LASIK eye surgery is no exception. Before making the decision, you'll want to know everything there is to know, especially advantages.

Here are a few common reasons for LASIK, as well as a number of benefits you may not have considered:


LASIK can be done in the time it takes to clean your contacts or get fitted for new glasses. The difference of course, is that LASIK is more permanent. Think of the money for lenses and solutions and time you spend inserting your contact lenses and caring for them at least twice a day, every day! But with LASIK you're in, you're out, and you're done. These days, time is precious. So to many people, this benefit is the most valuable.

Better Results

Many consumers report an actual improvement in their vision, not just an alternative to achieving the same old prescription. So instead of considering it a trade, it can be seen as an enhancement to what you've always deemed "clear vision" to be. With contact lenses on your eye, your vision can change every time you blink and move the lens. LASIK reshapes the cornea and provides stable vision. This can be a huge advantage especially for patients with astigmatism.


Having a laser touch your eye (even if just for a moment) doesn't seem safer than glasses or contacts, but according to research done by the Casey Eye Institute at the Oregon Health and Science University, it is. In fact, your chances of infection after LASIK are far lower than if you wear contacts.

One of the leading causes of blindness among working-age adults is injuries related to eyeglasses, according to Ohio State University researchers. LASIK allows you to wear safety goggles without the complication of corrective glasses. If you have (or want) an active lifestyle, you may want to ditch the glasses.

To cut your risk of complications even further, opt for a practice that offers a blade-free approach to the LASIK procedure.


When discussing investments, perhaps the most important factor is ROI, or "return on investment." Over time, you'll spend much more on contacts than LASIK, even though the up-front cost of corrective eye surgery is more. Between all the eye exams and changes in prescriptions that come with lenses, not to mention brand changes and fashion trends, contacts and glasses cost more in the long run. It's a savvy consumer who takes a hit now to enjoy the benefits later. After all, this is the concept behind every healthy budget.


Okay, okay, this one is just for fun. Doing something because "hey, this is cool," is so ten years ago, so the novelty of LASIK should not be a deal-breaker but is still worth a mention. Why? Because we at Woodhams have invested in the best technology so that you don't have to hope for the best; you already have it. The fact that this technology is "neat" is just a bonus.

Usually this benefit appears as a byproduct of the procedure, so at some point (probably when the relative safety of LASIK sinks in), you'll be able to join us in the immense appreciation we have for the remarkable innovation on hand.

These are the most common reasons for LASIK. Other benefits will be based on you. Since your doctor is already familiar with your lifestyle and values, talk to him about the potential advantages to having LASIK that are unique to you.

Would you like to talk to someone here at Woodhams about LASIK? Enter your information below and one of our patient care advocates will reach out to you or you can call us at 770-394-4000.

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