Before Lasik, my eyes were -0.5/-0.75, I was told I was nearsighted. I was given what my eyes are now after Lasik, and they are +0.5/+0.5? I have more trouble seeing up close now. Aren't I just farsighted now to the extent I was nearsighted?

Yes, you are.

Your original nearsighted prescription was quite low. While that is not necessarily a contraindication to needing or wanting to have LASIK, you have only gained a little distance sharpness from it. If you are under 40 years of age, that little bit of farsightedness will help your distance visual acuity.

If you are over 40 years of age, you have unfortunately just learned that being a little bit myopic (nearsighted) is of some help in seeing up close. That help is gone and so you are now at the mercy of any presbyopia you may have! Perhaps you should have only had your dominant eye done?

These are all issues that should have been explained and demonstrated to you by your doctor and his team before you went ahead with your LASIK!

_Written by J. Trevor Woodhams, M.D. - Chief of Surgery, Woodhams Eye Clinic